Boost Your Credit by getting unsecured jewelry revolving credit card.
- Almost everyone get’s approved for this $5,000 unsecured jewelry revolving credit card
- Consumers with bad credit can start rebuilding their credit and boost their credit scores with instant credit by applying and getting the unsecured credit card
- Those with no credit tradelines can start rebuilding and establish credit by getting positive credit
- Borrowers who do not qualify for a home mortgage due to not being able to meet the minimum credit score requirements can easily increase their credit scores by getting this jewelry credit card
Besides getting three secured credit cards, we highly recommend our borrowers to get the $5,000 unsecured card. This will boost your credit scores and strengthen your credit profile.
The Power Of Credit Cards To Boost Credit Score
The main reason why consumer credit scores are low is due to not having any revolving credit tradelines
- Credit cards are revolving credit
- To maximize your credit score, you should have three to five revolving credit tradelines
- For consumers with bad credit and low credit scores, getting three to five secured credit cards is the easiest and fastest way of rebuilding and boosting your credit scores
- Consumers without a credit score or lower credit scores can boost their credit scores and start rebuilding their credit by getting three to five revolving credit accounts
- Each secured credit card can easily boost your credit score by 20 to 30 points
- We recommend to get at least a $500 credit limit on each secured credit card
- If you cannot afford three to five secured credit cards, just start with one with a lower deposit
The sooner you start rebuilding your credit with secured credit cards, the sooner you are on your way to rebuilding and reestablishing your credit.
How To Maximize Increase Your Credit Scores

Timely payments is one of the most important factors lenders look at on mortgage applicants.
- You can have prior bad credit, outstanding collections, charged-off accounts, and other derogatory credit tradelines
- However, you need to have reestablished your credit and have been timely on all of your payments in the past 12 months to qualify for a home mortgage
- The longer you had credit established and seasoned, the stronger your credit profile
- The key in maximizing your credit scores is to have low credit card balances
- High credit scores yield low mortgage rates
- Consumers should pay down their credit card balance to lower than 10% utilization ratio for maximum credit optimization
- Maxed out credit cards will plummet credit scores
- However, the drop in credit scores due to high credit card balances is temporary
- Once the credit card balance is paid down below 10% utilization ratio, consumer credit scores will go back up
The larger the available credit on revolving accounts, the higher your credit scores are. Is Highly Recommended To Boost Your Credit
Capital Lending Network, Inc. is highly recommending the revolving unsecured credit account for consumers who are trying to rebuild and reestablish their credit.
- Almost everyone get approved for this powerful credit tradeline
- You can easily increase your credit scores anywhere between 20 to 100 points in 30 days or less
- This jewelry card is a Godsend for mortgage borrowers who need to improve their credit and increase their scores to qualify for a mortgage
To get started and apply for the $5,000 unsecured jewelry credit card, please visit
How Does The Card Work?
The unsecured card was developed and launched by mortgage professionals to help borrowers who need to boost their scores as soon as possible in order to qualify for a mortgage.
- The main benefits in getting this unsecured jewelry card is not to buy jewelry, but rather to use it as a credit rebuilding tool
- Most lenders will have minimum amount of credit tradelines that have been seasoned for at least 12 to 24 months a part of their lender overlays
- We highly recommend consumers to have three to five revolving accounts and one installment account
- Never close out an active credit tradeline such as a credit card account
- The annual fee to have the credit card is worth every penny
Part of the credit scoring model is the age of the credit tradeline.
Benefits Of
The unsecured revolving account offers great benefits and almost everyone will get approved:
- There is a 95% approval rate
- The application form is simple
- You do need to pay a nominal initial application fee and requires an initial purchase
Click on this link to get started:
$5,000 revolving credit line is available for everyone who is approved:
- There is an initial $99 membership fee to get started
- There is no monthly service fee
- Reports to all three credit bureaus on the fifth of every month
If you apply between the 1st and the 25th of the month, this credit tradeline will report on the first of the following month.
Getting Started And Approved For $5,000 Unsecured Card
Applicants need to place a one-time minimum order of $100.
- The jeweler will require 50% down payment and the other 50% is financed
- You can have a larger order
- All future orders require 50% down and the other 50% is financed through the $5,000 unsecured revolving line of credit
- After the first year as a cardholder member, the down payment is not required on any purchases if you have not been late on any monthly payments in the past 12 months
All applications will have a hard pull from Transunion.
Reasons For Non-Approval
Substantial Federal and/or State Tax Liens. Active Bankruptcy. Applicants can only get approved after a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy discharged date or one year into a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy repayment plan with a timely payment history. Child Support/Alimony: Applicants who are delinquent on your child support payments and/or alimony payments, they will not get approved for the $5,000 unsecured card.
How To Rebuild Your Credit Score in 2022
Rebuilding Your Credit And Improving Your Credit Scores to qualify for a home mortgage can be done by following this simple step-by-step guide.
- You do not have to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on expensive credit repair or purchase someone else’s credit tradelines
- Many lenders will require a certain minimum credit score requirement to qualify for a home mortgage
- Some mortgage borrowers can afford the down payment and closing cost on a home purchase
- However, they may not meet the minimum credit score requirement
- Capital Lending Network, Inc. will show our viewers on rebuilding your credit and improving your credit scores in a very short period of time
- This step by step credit guide does work. CLN have helped thousands of folks achieve a 700 FICO credit score just one year after Chapter 7 Bankruptcy discharge
- Do not hire any credit repair companies to help you rebuild and/or fix your credit
- Credit repair companies can do more damage than help when going through the mortgage process
We will be discussing and covering Rebuilding Your Credit and Improving Your Credit in the following paragraph. Please read the step by step instructions carefully. If you have any questions, contact us at Capital Lending Network, Inc. at or call us at 800-900-8569. The support staff and licensed personnel at CLN is available 7 days a week, evenings, weekends, and holidays.
When Should You Start Rebuilding Your Credit After Period Of Bad Credit And Bankruptcy
If you are ready to rebuilt and reestablish your credit to qualify for a mortgage, CLN will guide you in a fast-track step by step program
- In less than a year, most viewers who follow our step by step guide have credit scores either over 700 FICO or in the high 600’s
- This guide was designed and written for our mortgage borrowers at Capital Lending Network, Inc.
- Capital Lending Network, Inc. have helped thousands of folks rebuild their credit so they can qualify for a mortgage
- CLN also have helped countless good credit borrowers maximize their credit scores so they can get the lowest mortgage rates
- Getting credit cards is the most effective and quickest way to rebuild and reestablish your credit
- However, if your credit scores are under 680 FICO, you will not get approved for an unsecured credit card
- You can have prior bad credit, outstanding collections, charged-off accounts, or other derogatory credit tradelines and qualify for a home mortgage
- However, the key is to have been timely on all of your monthly debt payments for the past 12 months
- Lenders understand consumers can go through periods of rough times which affect their incomes where they cannot make their monthly debt obligations
- However, lenders expect the consumer to have recovered and reestablished themselves for at least 12 months
This is proven by having reestablished credit and timely payments in the past 12 months, preferably 24 months.
Start Rebuilding Your Credit With Secured Credit Cards
For consumers with bad credit, recent bankruptcy, and/or foreclosure, get several secured credit cards. Secured credit cards are the same as unsecured credit cards.
- The only difference is the consumers need to put a deposit with the secured card company
- The credit card company will issue a credit limit equivalent to the deposit
- The credit card company will report the date the credit card opened, the monthly payment, the balance, and the credit limit to the credit bureaus
- Secured credit cards is hands down the easiest and fastest method of re-establishing and rebuilding your credit. Adding secured credit cards will also boost your credit scores
- As the secured credit card ages, your credit profile with strengthen, and your credit scores will increase
- As your secured credit card ages, the credit card provider will increase your credit limit without requesting an additional deposit
- We recommend three to five secured credit cards for maximum effectiveness
- Each secured credit card should have a minimum of a $500 credit limit
- Make sure the secured credit card you get the report to all three credit bureaus
- Some secured credit card companies only report to one or two credit bureaus and not all three
- If you have no credit, each secured credit card should boost your credit scores by 20 to 30 points
- Mortgage loan applicants with prior bad credit, collections, lower credit scores can still qualify for a mortgage and get an approve/eligible per automated underwriting system (AUS) if they have been timely on all of their monthly debt payments for the past 12 months
However, consumers with higher credit scores with late payments in the past 12 months will most likely not get an approve/eligible per automated underwriting system (AUS).
Recommended Secured Credit Cards For Bad Credit

Make sure the secured credit card you are getting the report to all three credit bureaus.
- The card should report to Experian, Transunion, and Equifax
- If you can afford it, start with three secured credit cards with at least a $500 credit limit
- However, if you cannot afford three secured cards with $500 credit limits, start with one or two secured credit cards with lower limits
- For consumers with a recent bankruptcy discharge, get secured credit cards as soon as possible after the discharged date.
Here are the top secured credit cards recommend to our mortgage borrowers. To learn more about them and/or to apply, just click on the link of the credit card name:
Other Credit Tradelines That Strengthen Credit Profile
On revolving accounts, the higher the credit limit, the more power the credit tradeline has on the credit profile.
- CLN highly recommends a $5,000 unsecured jewelry credit card
- This is a spectacular unsecured jewelry card that will help boost your credit with instant credit
- Click on this link to learn more about this $5,000 unsecured jewelry credit card that reports to all three credit bureaus:
Boost Your Credit With Instant Credit With A $5,000 Unsecured Jewelry Credit Card
Almost everyone gets approved for the $5,000 unsecured jewelry credit card. It is a power credit tradeline that will strengthen your credit profile.
Fingerhut Credit Card is a department store unsecured credit card with a 99% approval rate and reports to all three credit bureaus. Almost everyone gets approved even with a recent bankruptcy discharge.
Here is the link to Fingerhut Unsecured Credit Card:
Get An Installment Loan Through Self.Inc Credit Rebuilder Program

Your credit scores is derived by several factors.
- Your credit profile is stronger if you have a combination of revolving and installment credit tradelines
- Start with three secured credit cards and one installment loan
- A car loan is an installment loan
- However, we do not recommend getting a new car if you are going to be applying for a mortgage
- An average monthly payment on a car loan is $400 per month which is equivalent to an $80,000 mortgage
- There are installment loan programs that are credit rebuilders
- CLN highly recommends the credit rebuilder installment loan program through
- Through, you set up a 12 month CD through an FDIC member bank
- You make a set monthly payment as little as $25 dollars per month
- The monthly payment is reported to all three credit bureaus
- The monthly payment goes into your bank account
- At the end of 12 months, the total balance is your savings
- You can then request that money back
- After three payments, you are eligible for a secured credit card
- It will be issued against your deposit at
Here is the link to
Monitor Your Credit Utilization Ratio To Be Under 10%
Lower utilization ratios on revolving accounts mean higher credit scores.
- Maxing out your credit cards will plummet credit scores
- To maximize your credit scores, make sure the credit utilization ratio on all of your revolving accounts are below 10%
- Credit scores fluctuate depending on your credit utilization ratios
- Homebuyers planning on applying for a mortgage, pay down all of your credit cards to lower than a 10% credit utilization ratio two months prior to applying for a mortgage
- The lower your utilization, the higher your credit scores
The higher your credit scores, the lower your mortgage rates.
Other Credit Tips On How To Rebuild Your Credit And Increase Your Credit Score
Our goal at Capital Lending Network, Inc. is to help homebuyers with bad credit to rebuild and optimize their credit scores so they can qualify for a mortgage at the best possible rates.
- Borrowers do not have to hire credit repair companies to fix their credit to qualify for a mortgage
- Credit repair companies can do more damage than good
- Credit disputes are not allowed during the mortgage process on derogatory credit tradelines and non-medical collection accounts
- Any outstanding disputes on derogatory credit tradelines that is not older than two years need to be retracted for the mortgage process to go forward
- Retracting credit disputes can drop credit scores
- For more information on this topic and/or other mortgage-related topics, please contact us at CLN at 800-900-8569 or text us for a faster response
- Or email us at
The team at Capital Lending Network, Inc. is available 7 days a week, evenings, weekends, and holidays.